I'm a huge fan of lists. That's why I love so much 'High Fidelity', Nick Hornby's novel on list-making music fans. It's also why I like Tyler Brûlé's column in the Financial Times weekend edition: he's such a great and genuine list maker. He doesn't always make lists. But only from looking at the lay-out of his column, I can tell if it's a good one or a great one: if I can see a list in the lay-out, I'm confident I'll love his column.
Since I like lists so much, I sometimes talk in lists. When I like a tune, I love to say: 'that's in my all-time top 10', instead of just saying 'I really like this song'. I remember also asking my friend @Michaelnotte last year to make a 'Web Analytics Top 5 for 2008' in his blog. I was thinking myself on making such a list, but hadn't started with my blog yet. So I asked him to talk in my list-making language and to sum up his favourite internet-moments of 2008.
Now we're at the end of 2009, and I want to share with you my Top 5 internet moments of this year.
Coco & Lola
I'd like to write a separate post on all 5 of them in the next couple of weeks.
3 things which just missed out on the Top 5:
Avinash launches his new book 2.0 – and he really launched it the way we all should market launches nowadays. He involves you in the developing and launching of the book, so you feel like you're a part of it. He uses time in a very clever way, so you feel the building up and it makes you long to see the result. And he's very clear in his communication, which gives him the credit to promote his book on his blog in a very direct way, without having to fear to launch empty marketing promises. He delivers on his marketing promise.
It's not on my top 5, basically because I haven't' read the book yet.
Music concerts on the web – 2009 was the first year without Fabchannel on-line, and I'm still sad I didn't enjoy Fabchannel as much as I could have while it was there. 'The Reasons why we stopped', a letter published when Fabchannel was taken of the internet, is still as relevant in the discussion about music in the on- and off-line world. Since then, initiatives from U2 on YouTube, and some concerts on the Belgian website DeStandaard.be give me the impression that the idea behind Fabchannel was the correct one, and that the only reason they're not there any more is because they were too far ahead of their time. My #4 of my Top 5 makes a good case of how sports coverage is embracing the internet and all things 2.0 for their own good and for the good of the audience, so sport is getting a win-win out of internet. Music needs to do this to. Spotify (my #2 from the Top 5) is just one great initiative who understands this. Hopefully we'll only get more of these.
And hopefully the film industry starts to move to. It's about time.
LinkedIn – I got my new job on LinkedIn, and that makes me proud. It's just another reason to hail LinkedIn as my favourite social networking site. It's been like that for a while now, and I hope that this year it will keep me surprising.
3 things that are not in my Top 5 are:
Twitter – I've been on Twitter since this year and it's OK, but I use it only exclusively to get referrals to interesting blog-spots. So it's actually good for the #1 of my top 5, but just to get me to read lots of stuff, but not much more. I think twitter is pretty lousy at connecting me with other people and I must say it bores me to twit about my own whereabouts.
Social media: So much talking about social media in 2009, it's been too much. Let's just start seeing social media as something normal. It's there, everybody's using it. Now let's move on. Let's start to focus on the messages we can deliver, the value we can add. Lets' focus on what we want to do, not so much on the fact that we want to be in Social Media. For this, see my # 5 of my Top 5: Coco & Lola.
My own blogging-experience: if you're reading this, you're one of the (hopefully) happy few, and you now I've been pretty crap on updating this blog.
You'll find posts on all of my Top 5 topics in the upcoming weeks!
Happy New year!
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