In Spain little (and not so little) children get their presents from the Three Wise Men on January 6th and not from Santa or Saint Nicholas. In order to get their preferred gift, they need to write a letter, telling the Three Kings that they’ve been good last year and then they list their most wanted gifts.
Here’s my letter and request for gifts.
Queridos Reyes Magos // Dear Three Wise Men.
I think I’ve been a good on-line marketing and analytics boy this past year for the following reasons:
I’ve segmented, targeted and tested, reported and optimized. Reporting, analyzing, providing Insights and putting all this in improvements has been great this year. We did a couple of A/B tests, started to measuring the opinion of our visitors. We dug deep into the data and based our decisions on these data. I’ve also very much enjoyed the ‘urgency’ that comes with working for e-commerce sites.
Dear Wise Men, please give me this year the same challenges and tools to use data to improve customer satisfaction and revenue. Let’s improve and let’s convert!
I’ve been trying new tools this past year: Unica Netinsight (my own reporting tool: creating reports and defining variables), Google Analytics (always improving), WebCEO, 4Q (Voice of Customer, hurrah!), AddThis and ShareThis (great new analytics tools, both of them), MouseTrace (let’s keep an eye on them).
Dear Wise Men, please give me new tool, new ideas how to use them and new developments from the providers of the tools to test, to use and to help with improving. High on my list are Optimizer and Crazy Egg.
I’ve read books and blogs in 2010.
The best post was, without any doubt the Anchoring Effect from You Are Not So Smart. About how our mind uses anchors (like ‘original prize’) guide us to estimate prices or numbers. Greatly written, very well explained, mindblowing.
I’ve also enjoyed a couple of books, like the classic The Long Tail by Chris Anderson.
Also The Stranger’s Long Neck by Gerry McGovern was very interesting, making a defence of and presenting a method on improving Task Management.
Dear Kings, please give me new posts all-day, every-day to read and read and time to read it all. I mostly need time to read Web Analytics 2.0 and Cult of Analytics.
The past year I’ve also been a good boy, since I’ve written in my blog. I even got some kind of small audience, and even the search engines are giving me some traffic to some popular posts.
Please Wise Men, give me time and inspiration for this year to write interesting posts which are useful for my readers. I especially want time for a series of posts on Web Analytics and statistics. The idea is there, I just need the time. I might even want to squeeze a White Paper out of that idea.
I must say that I dedicated a lot of time to my passion, the Internet. Please Wise Men, don’t stop giving me more Internet, more to explore, more new stuff to start using like my foto-blog on tumbr. A good start for enjoying Internet in all it’s glory was the new job I found via twitter. I got that in advance, thank you Wise Men!
On a more personal note, I’ve been dedicated in using and updating the pretty cool Runkeeper to keep up with running and working out. Please Wise Men, let me keep using Runkeeper to get rid of those 5 kilos.
Please, Three Wise Men!! Pretty please??
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